5 Websites


On this website I saw some really cool photos that I admired a lot. I also learned a couple tips from this website. The things I learned from this website is things like don't be afraid to come out of your comfort zone and every photo that you take isn't always going to be perfect. The photos that I saw were very inspiring because they had such cool affects to them and I liked what they looked like. My favorite photo from this website is the first photo that's black and white and has sparkler affects. The new thing that I learned is that it's okay to use photo shop and it's really not a big deal.

I picked this photo because it's my favorite from this website.
I see the rule of simplicity because there is no chaos going on in the background.
I'm going to say that Jenna Martin took this photo.


On this website, I saw some really cool "there is no way I would be able to do this" type pictures. From this website I learned that going beyond the "limits" of photography is okay. Some photos that I saw were kind of weird and wondered why everyone should know how to make pictures look like that. One thing I would definitely consider is trying to create the forced perspective photo. I really liked the outcome on the website and i've always wanted to create a photo like that.

I picked this photo because I really love how mind boggling it is.
The rule of photography that I see in this photo is rule of thirds because the main subject is off to the side and not in the center.
I believe that Jeff Meyer took this photo.


old abandoned  staircase
This photo is REALLY confusing. I can't tell if the photo was taken from the ground looking up or from the top looking down. I think it was taken from the ground up. I chose the picture because I really like how interesting it is and the orientation is so well done. I enjoyed the feeling of confusion while looking at this photo and I really like how it shows the rule of balance.


This is the website that has the time lapse video. I really enjoyed viewing the time lapse and I knew I would because time lapses are SO cool and I admire them. The time lapse showed different angles of Rio and also showed some beautiful shots of the ocean that looked back into the city. My absolute favorite clip was the amazing shot from the gondala like things that went up the mountain, came towards the camera, and then went away.



I admired this website. I loved seeing how many things that were so old are still alive. I loved the way the trees look and how they stand out from the others. These trees reminded me of two years ago, during spring break, I went skiing and I saw SO many trees like these. These trees brought me in the mood and made me have so many memory flashbacks when I saw them on the website, so I chose this photo because I thought it perfectly set the mood.


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