pHoBiA pRoJeCt

1. What is a Phobia? A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. (Definition from Google)

2. 5 Phobias:
Verminophobia- Fear of Germs
Scolionophobia- Fear of School
Bacteriophobia- Fear of Bacteria
Phobophobia- Fear of Phobias
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliopphobia- Fear of Long Words

3. Brainstorm
For my Phobia photo, I want to do something that will be simple. I don't want the photo to be really hard to take. I want a person to be representing the person that is afraid of whatever I'm doing.
I want the format of the picture to be horizontal and the subject placement to be off to the edge. I want the person to be reacting to the phobia. The background will have to be solid in order to get the topic across. The point of view will be what others see when people are scared of things. The lighting will have to be a little dark, but not too dark. The clothing will sort of be solid, as if the person was stuck somewhere (jail?) and couldn't escape. The subject will be scared, since the topic is Phobia.

I would like my cousin to model in these photos. I am going to shoot Phalacrophobia which is the fear of becoming bald. How I will demonstrate this is I will have my cousin sitting on the floor either on her knees or criss-cross. She will be holding her hair in her hands with a worried/scared face. I am planning to shoot this at my house with a solid background such as a wall. Or, I will have her hold a brush that has a lot of hair on it and she will look scared.

I will also photograph Phengophobia, which is the fear of daylight or sunshine. Again, my cousin will be modeling this. I am planning on having her laying in the grass (during the day) and the sun will be in her face and she will be shielding her eyes and her face will have a frown. I want her hair to be kind of messy and her face to be really pale. Or, I will have her look out of the blinds during the day.

Lastly, I am going to shoot Somniphobia which means fear of sleep. For this photo, I want my cousin to be laying in a bed her eyes are wide open with bags under her eyes. She will have a blanket covering up all of her body except for her eyes. I am going to see if she can make her eyes red to add more effect to the photo. 

D. Phalacrophobia- The main subject will be in focus. Probably rule of thirds.
Phengophobia- I have to make sure that the lighting is really good in this photo.
Somniphobia- I have to make sure that the makeup in this photo looks very realistic.


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