School Uniforms, Assignment 1

School Uniforms

For this topic I could possibly interview a member of the board who decided to enforce the uniforms, I could interview the principal that works at the school where the uniforms are being enforced, and I could interview a staff member/ high ranked teachers that works at the school where the uniforms are being put into place.

Board Member
School Principal
Highly Ranked Teachers

Some questions I could ask include:
1. Will jackets be allowed?
2. How do dress codes target certain people?
3. Are there any exceptions for people who don't have to school uniform rule?
4. How many warning will be given if not dressed appropriately until a penalty?
5. Will there ever be any days where students can dress freely?
6. How will the students be able to express themselves?
7. How will you deal with students who don't obey the school uniform policy?
8. What are some advantages of the new uniform policy?
9. What are some disadvantages of the new uniform policy?
10. What items of clothing are excluded from the new policy (ie: shoes, jewelry, hair, etc.)
11. Will items of religion count as being part of the new rule?
12. In what ways will uniforms help benefit the school?
13. In what ways will uniforms not benefit the school?
14. How will enforcing uniforms help students with their education/ learning?
15. Do you agree with the enforcement of uniforms rule?
16. In what ways can the new dress code be changed?
17. Are the students required to have the same uniform or will there be different options for the uniforms?
18. How strict is the rule going to be?
19. What exceptions will be allowed when following the dress code rule?
20. Why is this policy being put into place?


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