Tales by Light

Tales by Light Season 2 Episode 3 

Who is the photographer and what do they photograph? The photographer is Eric Cheng and he photographs animals. In this episode, he was taking photos of anacondas under water. 
What did you find the most interesting about this episode? I liked the fact that he was brave and went underwater to photograph demonized animals, such as anacondas. I thought that was interesting because I could never do something like that. 
What did you learn from this episode? From this episode, I learned that underwater photography takes skill and patience. Cheng had to take part in learning how to take pictures under water and learning how to use the underwater equipment.  
Where does this episode take place? Did you like the location? Why? This episode took place in Brazil. I did like the location. I liked where this episode took place because I've always wanted to travel to Brazil and explore all the exotic things they have in store. 
Why is this work important? This work is important because it brings light to animals that were or are still considered predators. This work is trying to show that these demonized animals are not as bad as we think. The purpose was trying to show that we shouldn't be afraid of anacondas or any underwater "predators".

Tales by Light Season 2 Episode 4 
Who is the photographer and what do they photograph? The photographer is Eric Cheng, again, and he photographs animals and things found in the ocean and other bodies of water. In this episode specifically, he photographs things in the ocean. 
What did you find the most interesting about this episode? What I found most interesting about this episode was how the photographer made it look so easy to take photos and be in the water with sharks. I also found this episode interesting because I don't think I could ever be in the water with sharks close to me. 
What did you learn from this episode? I learned a lot from this episode. One thing I learned was that tiger sharks are really friendly. I always thought tiger sharks would be really vicious. Turns out, they aren't. They are just like little puppies. Except, they live in the ocean and are sharks. 
Where does this episode take place? Did you like the location? Why? This episode took place in the Bahamas. I did, in fact, like where this episode took place. I like where this episode took place because I've always wanted to go to the Bahamas. Now that I know the ocean life in the Bahamas, I will be more careful when and if I go. 
Why is this work important? This work is important because he uses photography to help protect the ocean and its lifeforms. Most people wouldn't think to preserve the ocean, but it holds so much life. Cheng hopes to send a message to the world through his photography and help make a difference in how the ocean is viewed. 


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